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What you want to do both in Queen and Murchison Falls on selfe drive safari

What you want to do on a self-drive safari in Murchison falls and Queen Elizabeth national park?

Embarking on a self-drive safari in Murchison Falls National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park. Offers a thrilling opportunity to explore Uganda’s iconic wilderness areas at your own pace.

Here are some activities you can enjoy during your self-drive safari in these two spectacular parks:

Murchison Falls National Park:

Game Drives:

Set out on early morning or late afternoon game drives to explore the park’s diverse landscapes. Including savannah plains, woodlands, and riverbanks.

Encounter a variety of wildlife, including elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, lions, leopards. And numerous antelope species such as Uganda kob and hartebeest.

Keep an eye out for unique species like the Rothschild’s giraffe and the elusive shoebill stork. Which inhabit the park’s diverse habitats.

Boat Safari to the Murchison Falls:

Take a boat safari along the Victoria Nile to the base of the majestic Murchison Falls. Where the Nile River plunges through a narrow gorge, creating a powerful cascade.

Marvel at the breathtaking scenery and dramatic landscapes as you cruise past hippos, crocodiles. And a variety of bird species that inhabit the riverbanks and islands.

Get up close to the base of the falls for a thrilling experience and capture stunning photographs of this natural wonder from a unique perspective.

Hiking the top of falls:

Embark on a guided hike to the top of the Murchison Falls for panoramic views of the Nile River and surrounding wilderness.

Trek through lush vegetation and rocky terrain, accompanied by experienced guides. Who share insights into the park’s ecology, history, and wildlife.

Feel the mist from the falls and witness the sheer power of nature as you stand atop the rocky cliffs overlooking the raging waters below.

Queen Elizabeth National Park:

Game Drives in the Kasenyi Plains:

Explore the vast savannah plains of the Kasenyi sector during game drives. Renowned for its high concentration of wildlife, including lions, elephants, buffaloes, and Uganda kob.

Traverse the open grasslands and acacia woodlands in search of predators and prey. Observing natural behaviors and interactions between different species.

Visit the Mweya Peninsula for panoramic views of the park and the Kazinga Channel. Where large herds of elephants and buffalo gather to drink and cool off.

Boat Safari on the Kazinga Channel:

Cruise along the Kazinga Channel, a natural waterway that connects Lake Edward and Lake George, on a boat safari to observe aquatic wildlife and birdlife up close.

Encounter pods of hippos, basking crocodiles, and numerous bird species, including African fish eagles, kingfishers, herons, and pelicans.

Enjoy the serenity of the water as you glide past lush vegetation and picturesque landscapes, with opportunities for photography and relaxation.

Chimpanzee Tracking in the Kyambura Gorge:

Queen parkEmbark on a guided chimpanzee tracking excursion in the Kyambura Gorge, also known as the “Valley of the Apes,” to encounter habituated chimpanzee groups in their natural habitat.

Hike through dense forest and steep terrain, following the calls and movements of chimpanzees as they forage, play, and interact within the gorge.

Learn about chimpanzee behavior, ecology, and conservation efforts from knowledgeable guides, who provide insights into the unique dynamics of these fascinating primates.

Whether you’re captivated by the roar of Murchison Falls or mesmerized by the wildlife-rich plains of Queen Elizabeth National Park, a self-drive safari in these iconic parks promises unforgettable adventures and close encounters with Uganda’s natural wonders.